
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jim Berkland: Noted Fearmonger

Only a few days after the recent earthquake in Japan, some guy named Jim Berkland shows up on "Fox News" warning me about a major catastrophic earthquake bound and determined to hit Northern California between March 20th- 26th, 2011.

In an article that was published on October 13th, 1989, apparently this Berkman character claims to have accurately predicted the October 17th, 1989 "World Series Quake". Now, I've never heard of Jim Berkland which raises the question, why does it seem like it takes these geniuses 20-30 years to establish credibility? In other words, how come on October 18th, 1989, there was no extensive coverage on the dude who, only 4 days prior, stood at the plate like Babe Ruth and called his shot?

We only hear about these legendary predictions years after the fact. "World Series Quake?" I was a freshman in high school when the Loma Prieta earthquake happened. I don't ever remember anyone glossing it, "The World Series Quake" until now. Nor have I ever heard of Jim Berkland's prediction until only a few days ago...

And how ironic that Berkland shows up on Fox News. The 24 hour news channel desperate to convince the American public that the sky is falling.

I'm not buying it, Berkland. I'm not buying you, I'm not buying your bullshit predictions, nor am I buying a 50,000 square foot underground bunker in Nebraska.

Watch this video:

At approximately 1:52 seconds, press pause and you'll see that Berkland has evidence of his 1989 "World Series Quake" prediction. Evidence in the form of a photo copied newspaper article. Now, if I'm Jim Berkland, the great 1989 earthquake predictor, I'm gonna make sure that immediately after the 1989 earthquake strikes, I have an authentic copy of my prediction.

Just like if I set the all time scoring record for a single game at Burlingame High School in 1992, I'm gonna have an actual copy of the paper that acknowledges my historic achievement. I dunno, it's kind of a big deal.

Not Berkland.

He shows up on Fox News 22 years later, immediately after a catastrophic event with some photo copied bullshit print out that I'm supposed to believe validates his historic claim. I get up in the morning and pour my first cup of coffee at about 3 am. You're gonna have to get up a little earlier than that, Berkland.

Matter of fact, I have a prediction myself. I predict that if you turned on the TV set right now, you'd find yourself living in an era where news media outlets like Fox News are not only participants, but sponsors in the modern day fear campaign.

Mouth pieces like Rush Limbaugh, Bill 'O Reilly, and Michael Savage.

Michael Savage who wants you to believe he's a credible source but invites guys like Berkland on his radio show and takes him seriously. Yeah, OK, I see you working Savage. The guy who calls your show and claims 9/11 was "an inside job" is a weed smoking dope dealer who hangs out with Charlie Sheen but you're standing behind some 109 year old blue hair claiming he predicted the 1989 earthquake?

Give me a break.

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